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L to R, Winter, Banjo, and Kilo in MT are High Achievers, and we are proud of them and their parents. Dog to dog altercations are scary, and dangerous. Banjo and Kilo's parents stuck with it and now they have unity. Now if little Kilo gets testy with Banjo, he just turns to his mom or dod for help, guidance, or approval. This was all done with no force, no pain, and no fear. Way to go Banjo and Kilo. Winter was a real trooper through it all. Nice job Danielle and Jacob. Force free isn't a training method,
it's a way of life.
Snow, Sally, and Nala in Utah are high achievers because their Mom and Dad recognized early on they needed a little help. The Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana didn't hesitate to share their resources. Rescue Rocks, but there shouldn't be a need for Rescue's in this civilized country. Why can't we do better? We need to treat all animals better.
We give a Hi-Five to Kaitlyn and Jesse for their unwavering commitment to ensure their 1 year old child, and their 3 companion LGD's live safely in unity. Nice job Kaitlyn and Jesse.
Kaitlyn said it well: "Thankfully we reached out, we were honest about what was happening, and committed to working through it. We now know Snow wasn't being aggressive, but communicating. We've learned so much about dog behavior and the reasons for it. (FYI it's almost always human error). We've taken accountability, worked so hard to change our behaviors, learned a ton about Guardian breeds."
Duke is a very High Achiever. He was treated so poorly by humans, he had to fight for his life. Sometimes, love takes over and determination is no longer a task. Maureen and Dean took Duke home without conditions, or expectations. The road was bumpy in places, but that road will always get smoother. The video tells some of the story.
Tibbs in NY is now a High Achiever, but that is good since he's an Akbash. Adoptive mom has hung in there and accomplished the unity among the dogs. Done with force free training.
Vector and Vortec in KS had a rough patch, but their mom stuck with them and they are now High Achievers. Nice force free training work.
Gus in MO is a very High Achiever. He was found tied up outside of a Chinese restaurant at 16 weeks old. His owners were giving him away to anyone that would take a barking 3 month old puppy. God sent two of his Angels to care for little Gus, Cassidy and Rob. From Cassidy: " He was the cutest, fluffiest puppy that acted nothing like a puppy should. We will never know the abuse he endured."
After a few months, they knew they needed a hand, so we lent a hand. After SIX months, Gus started to feel a little more comfortable. But it took NINE MONTHS for Gus to trust his dad enough to not cower and run. Today, March 7, 2023, is Gus's first anniversary of the best, rest of his life. His transformation is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you Cassidy and Rob, you are truly the Angels Gus
Hero in Ohio was a High Achiever, he just needed to know what you wanted him to do. An example of force free training.
Fred in UT is an up and coming high achiever. He's starting to win over his foster sister, the tv is ok now, but the ceiling fans are still scary.
Koda in UT had a rough patch in his life, it was bad. On October 29th, 2022, Koda was adopted by his foster family. This makes Koda the highest achiever. Now we can rest easy. UPDATE: Koda passed away on January 5th, 2023. Be kind to your dogs, you never know how much time you have with them. Run free Koda Bear.
Peaches and Kinder are High Achievers. They lost their human mom and got stuck in their grief. Now they are ready to say hello to a brand new life.
Peaches and Kinder today. We are pleased to say they're in their new home now. They have an amazing Mom, and brand new names, Luna and Draco. We couldn't be happier!!
Roland in CO is a High Achiever. He likes his snuffle mat, it stimulates his brain just like a job. Roland has come a long way and is still improving with force free training.
Beau in MI is a High Achiever at one year old. He's a big boy a 100 punds, and loves to play. Levi had to come in because his love of play and the leash didn't play together. Good job Beau.
Jean Luc in WA is a High Achiever. Jean Luc was terrified of the car, but he has since conquered that fear. Way to go Jean Luc.
Jean Luc also received the most votes, and won the coveted GPRS Calendar Cover Boy contest. There's no stopping this boy.
Appa in CA is a High Achiever, but we can't leave his parents out of this either. High paws to Rebecca and Drew for saving Aang from a very uncertain future, and to Appa for being Aang's mentor and protector.
There's really not much to add here.
Appa is on the bottom asleep. The question, is Appa the bed, or is Aang the blanket?
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A Nonprofit Organization
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