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France is the documented birthplace of the Great Pyrenees dogs, but some theories suggest that the breed originated from Siberia or Tibet and then reached Europe through migration. The Pyrenean mountain range which divides France and Spain inspired the name of the breed.
They love spending time outdoors barking, but they also make great couch potatoes. From the medieval times until the 17th century, this dog breed remained a favorite of French nobles for their ability to guard fortresses and flocks. Louis XIV even declared the Great Pyrenees as France's official royal dog during his reign.
Believed to be the champion of the Livestock Guardian Breeds. They protect by dissuasion and intimidation, but are capable of taking down a pack of wolves, or die trying.
The Great Pyrenees are a livestock guardian dog. They protect livestock from predators such as coyotes, wolves, and bears. They have also been known to fend off mountain lions and moose.
Pyrs are still widely used as LGDs today, but are becoming an increasingly popular house dog. It is also common to see pyrs as therapy dogs due to their gentle nature. All Great Pyrenees need a job and many will be happy protecting you and your family.
The Akbash hails from Turkey, and at one time, only royalty were permitted to own them. They are long legged, quick moving, and have a distintive "curl" at the tip of their tail. With the Akbash, a four foot fence is just like no fence. Force free training is a must with this breed.
They love spending time outdoors too, but they too make great couch potatoes. Akbash dogs can be kept as family companions, but their working dog heritage may cause some difficulty, especially for inexperienced dog owners. Because they are such a large and intelligent breed, they are not recommended for first-time or novice dog owners.
They are a fierce guardian breed and are often mistaken for a white lab. Don't make that mistake, know your breed. These dogs are bred to be independent and think for themselves, so they are able to make intelligent decisions in risky situations versus other breeds who might wait for a human command. They are so smart that they are able to employ a variety of strategies to keep their flocks and herds safe.
A Maremma is a livestock guardian dog, bred in Italy for centuries to guard large flocks of sheep on the plains, and in the mountains.
If you think you must have a Maremma as a pet, you will want to be interested in housebreaking, and how they act in the yard. Housebreaking is surprisingly easy most often - they are clean dogs by nature, and most don't do well being contained in smaller areas. They are first and foremost a guardian, and are very serious about their job.
The Maremma are somewhat smaller than many similar working dogs, but they make up for it with fierce determination and intelligence. The Maremma Sheepdog Club of America does NOT recommend the Maremma as a pet. But yet, here we are.
The Kuvasz claims Hungary as their birthplace. During the Second World War, most of the Kuvasz dogs in the country were searched for and killed by the Soviet and German soldiers, as the dogs were known to protect their families fiercely. Also, some German officers took these dogs with them. Luckily, it was revealed that around thirty Kuvasz dogs had survived. Since then, the efforts of many dog fanciers and dedicated breeders have caused an increase in Kuvasz population in Hungary.
The Kuvasz is a sensitive dog of courage, determination, and curiosity. The Kuvasz is typically gentle and patient with its people. They are an excellent guardian and will always be ready to protect their loved ones, especially the children. Being an intelligent dog, they can act on their own initiative at the correct moment without instruction.
Since the Kuvasz can be fiercely independent by nature, they are difficult to train even for an experienced owner and requires plenty of time, consistency, and patience. Adverse training methods will backfire quickly with the Kuvasz. They do however, respond very well to force free training.
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