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Charlie in Ohio 4/3/2013-7/30/2022. Charlie was a true representative of the breed, and is the inspiration behind this section of our website, and our lives. If you want to honor the life of a pet you lost, just let us know. We will honor them with you. I'm the lucky one though, I have other Pyrs at home which makes the healing a little more bearable.
From Leo's Family
Leo and Charlotte, aka Charlee we’re two from a litter of five. We knew that we needed to help in any way we could without knowing this breed. They came with some health issues, but they were able to overcome them. Time went on and they grew and became part of our pack, which entailed four Labrador Retrievers! The zoomies were real at our home! When the behavior issues began with Leo, we reached out to Steve and with many conversations, Steve encouraged me that with work and understanding the body language of this breed, we could teach him and us to learn trust... We chose to keep Leo and not rehome him. I did the work because Courtney was working full-time and in college and it would’ve been too much work for her. So, Leo became my dog and with much training we were able to get things turned around and Leo learned to trust me and I learned to trust him. In 2017 both families moved to Florida and Charlie and Leo are together once again. They took pride in guarding our property that included horses, donkeys, and chickens and grandchildren. After Leo passed away from cancer, Charlee wasn’t the same. She left us six month after Leo. I believe her heart was broken. This was a shock to us all and left us heartbroken! The time we had with them was precious and unforgettable! When I see a Great Pyrenees out at the pet stores or our vet, I can’t help but cry because I miss them so much. I’ve learned a great respect for this breed and how majestic they truly are. Without the trainer and his knowledge, I believe our story would not be what it is today! He was our Leo Whisperer! He gave us all a second chance.
Julia in TX. 7-23-2023 This couple took this ailing, severely neglected Great Pyrenees to foster for Great Pyrenees Rescue Society, knowing she was terminally ill. That is a special gift in a human.
Buddy in Ohio, 9/2014-10/2/2021. Nina and Pat adopted Buddy on 1/17/2018, or maybe he adopted them. Either way, he left a lasting impression on them, more so on mom. Buddy's passing was unexpected and it caught everyone off guard. To add to it, they never got a clear answer as to why he passed in his sleep that October night. They both can rest assured that Buddy felt safe, loved, and he had a boat. Good job, well done Nina and Pat.
Cole in NY 12-18-2013 - 12-3-2023. Cole was born in Kentucky and ended up in a shelter. Cole and a couple of his siblings were transferred to a shelter in NY. Lori saw his listing, and his front left paw was white, just like her year old Newfie Remi. The rest is history. Cole and Remi became the best of friends. Cole is a classic example of the love and loyalty that comes with a dog. Anytime cancer strikes, we are never prepared, and Lori was no exception. Cancer took Cole just four days after he started showing the symptoms. Cole is missed dearly. Please say a little prayer for Lori and her fur kids to help them find peace in this trying time in their lives.
Run free cole, you'll never be forgotten.
Laira in Ohio 5/2010-1/5/2024 Laira was a very special girl to anyone that knew her. She was afraid of the world when we first knew her, and it took her years to overcome her fear, but she did do it. Carol and Kim gave her the life she deserved, full of love without condition, full of life, and to feel no fear. You will always be Clara to some. Run fear free sweet girl, 'til we meet again.
Scarlett and Maroon in TN were a very special bonded pair. Scarlett was very timid and scared, and Maroon could silence the kennel with two barks. Maroon never left Scarlett's side, right up 'til the day she crossed over the bridge. Terry adopted them in February of 2017, that's when every day became the best day of their lives. Thank you Terry. Run free Scarlett and Maroon, I smile every time I think about you two together again.
Henry in Utah.
Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana
Henry couldn't survive the severe neglect caused by humans. He lived 11 days when he came into rescue.
R.I.P. Henry 1-14-2024
On January 6, 2024, GPRRUM foster Becky and her young son Bridger drove a six hour round trip to pick Henry up from the shelter. His condition was appalling. When they got him home, Sarah helped Becky bathe and brush Henry. He had poop all over him, it was also matted in his tail. He had burrs everywhere. His nose had a constant drainage along with dripping blood. His breathing sounded horrible and severely congested. His back end would give out often and he had a hard time standing back up. The next day he wouldn’t get up or move all day. Sarah picked him up and took him to the ER vet. They discovered a hole in his gums exposing the root of his tooth. We were hoping that was the cause of the nose discharge and bleeding. He was put on meds and a couple days later he started to rally back. But that only lasted a couple days. He then quit eating. He wouldn’t even take treats. He also lost control of his bowels and blood was pouring from his nose. His chest X-rays showed he had severe exposure to secondhand smoke and there was something going on with his lymph nodes. The decision was made to end his suffering. Becky and her 15 year old son Travis took Henry on one last trip to the vet. On January 14, 2024, Becky, Travis and all of Great Pyrenees Rescue Resources Utah Montana said goodbye to Henry. In Utah, the working class dogs have been classified livestock, and any animal protection laws don’t apply to them, and that allows the ranchers to do this to Henry without breaking any state laws. This is human failure at its finest. Becky, Travis, Bridger, Sarah, Don, and everyone else involved have been scarred for life because Utah law made it legal for ranchers to turn their backs on the Prevention of Cruelty to animals. This is not ok.
Max in OH/TX,-2010/4-14-2023. Max was in Ohio, but his family moved to Texas in 2021. Max was definitely a high achiever, because his human sister made him want to be that way. She even taught him outdoor boundaries with no visible fence. He would wait for 35 seconds with a high value treat on the floor in front him, without his human in the room. Max was loyal to his family right up until the end when he went to sleep, and crossed over The Bridge on April 4, 2023. Run free Max, and take care of Baxter. Let your family know you're ok, they need that right now.
Toby in AZ. 12/05/2012 - 09/12/2024 Run free and fly high Toby.
From Michelle: "I knew the moment I met you 11 years ago that you would have my heart for as long as you lived. You were my best friend, my confidant and my travel buddy. You were so sweet to every person you ever met. I will miss and love you until I see you again on that rainbow bridge."
Rest in Peace Mr. Tibbs 11-7-2024. I hardly know where to start. Tibbs turned 12 years old in May 2024, but was extremely healthy, and him crossing over to The Bridge was unexpected and Lori was not ready for this. We met Lori because of Tibbs and my first thought was he is awesome, and how could somebody not want this dog? Mr. Tibbs is young again and playing and romping with Cole. Run free boy, and keep all the predators away from The Rainbow Bridge.
Lilly In Utah. A loss for this family. R.I.P. Lilly February 18, 2014-November 18, 2024
Just this side of Heaven is a place called
Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face, your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together...
Koda Bear's death on January 5 2023 was unnecessary. A professional not only misdiagnosed the behavior, he also blamed the wrong dog, then used a shock collar on a dog that didn't do anything wrong. Recap - Koda ultimately died for not having behavior issues.
Our hearts go to in Colorado, especially Judy, Michael, and Nancy. They lost their Little Bear, aka Teddy Bear yesterday, December 1st, 2022. It was sudden and unexpected. Nancy heard two of their dogs making a commotion in the play area, and she went to investigate, the dogs were trying to revive Little Bear, but he was gone, and Nancy was the first one there. Run free Little Bear.
Samson was young and loved dearly by his mom. Cancer takes another young Pyr. Run free Samson, you are missed. Samson went to the Bridge early November, 2022
Kasey in MD crossed The Bridge 9-23-2022. From Kasey's family.
Kasey was ours for only a few short years. He was sent to our home to retire and protect our elderly malamute, Cooper. We loved him so much and he protected us with a fierce loyalty I have seen in no other dog. Kasey helped to raise and teach 3 other rescues who we also love dearly. He passed peacefully while eating peanut butter surrounded by his family. Kasey joins his brothers Shiloh, Cash, and Cooper at the storied bridge we all hope to find.
Charlie 4-3-2013 - 7-30-2022. We lost our boy too soon to Degenerative Myelopathy. Now he can run free. We miss you Charlie.
Jeff in Ohio crossed over the Bridge 11-14-2020, just seven months after his brother Mutt. Godspeed Greg. He is greatly missed.
Mutt in Ohio came from a severe neglect case. His dad Greg lost Mutt to cancer 4-8-2020 at just 5 years old. He is still greatly missed.
Murray in Ohio 5-20-2011 - 11-22-2019 We lost our boy too soon to Lymphoma. Murray is now fear and pain free. We miss you Murray.
Buddy in Ohio was a BIG boy at 210 lbs. He went to the Bridge too soon due to a brain tumor on 4-10 2018. We miss Buddy
Lilly in Ohio 11-9-1997 - 10-14-2014 Lilly was a retired working LGD. She lived a long healthy life. We miss you Lilly.
Blizzard in Ohio failed as a LGD, but he was a great couch potato. Blizzard crossed over the Bridge May 22, 2013. He is still greatly missed.
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